Saturday, February 26, 2011

Your a wonderful worker but...

But we have to let you go.  You are not dependable to members or our company.  So as of now you no longer work here...

Yep I have been fired..  which is why I have not posted like I had planned and promised to.  I am hurt, sad and going through some kind of depression.  I have never been fired before and I feel like a failure, looser and a idiot.

The reason I was fired is I had ONE more absent then what they allow in a 6mo period of time.  EXCUSE me if i have 3 children so if one of my children are sick I stay home with them.. and I guess I'm such a horribly employee that when I was staying home and I knew my supervisor wasn't going to be at work I would go in for a couple hrs to finish the cake orders for that day since no one else was coming in to do cakes.. I made sure the work was done and that the members were taken care of!.. who else did that... NO ONE.. yet

I'm fired..


Friday, February 11, 2011

I've been bad!

OK I deeply apologize for not being very faithful in my blogging.  I do hope some of you are still around.  I have become lazy when it comes to it but I am trying to jump back on the wagon.  When I get home from work alls I want to do is lay on the couch and do nothing lol.. and on my days off its the same.

So a bit of a update.. I applied for a new job.  This one would be part time BUT I can also earn commission on top of my hourly wage.  And it would be less umm what do you call it.. oh yeah physical work.  Its a retail job but I think it would be a lot easier on me.  Don't get me wrong I LOVE to decorate cakes and stuff but you can only do so much at the big store I work at.. you must follow their rules with how to decorate etc.. my creative mind doesn't like how it can hold me back at times.  Soon enough I will have my own cupcakery!

Hubby is going to drill this weekend.  They are flying to another town which is about a 10hr drive away.  And will be gone until Sunday sometime.  Hes not happy about it and I'm not thrilled but at the same time we need this extra space.

Oh which reminds me...

If I was to get this new job I would be sent away for training for 2 weeks =/  Not sure if I will like that.  Ive never been away from both my children and my husband at the same time for that long.  I think part of me gets nervous cause I'm still working on trust issues with him and while I'm gone he will basically have free reign when hes on his days off.. no kids no wife to pop in on him..  I know I need to start trying to get my mind wrapped around trusting him again but when you have been hurt so bad its hard..  If I do get the job I will let him know my fears or at least some of them or hint at them..

Well for all the love birds out there guess what Monday is..

Valentines day!

So I hinted at "J" (hubby) that it would be nice to actually do something nice for v-day.. so the other day he texted me and said "well I made reservations"  but he wont tell me where now just that I need to dress nice..  *hmm starts to ponder*

Oh again..

My middle child turned 14 yesterday.. hes growing up so fast and already taller then me!  and almost taller then his dad..  (I'm tall btw 5'10..well for a woman lol)  We got him a phone for his bday.. he was excited and when it was bedtime he sent me a text saying "can i come get a drink of water"  lol  so silly!

Well I will sign off here but I promise I will be more faithful to my blog.. if you notice a few days with no post just slap a email my way and tell me to get on the ball!  =)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Pretty Good

So the past 2 days have been pretty good actually with my husband and I having both the same days off.  We have gotten to spend time together at home without the kids being around since they are at school.  Its nice to sleep in and just be carefree all day with him.

We of course have a little bit of time to ourselves.  He plays his FPS games on his computer and I go online and check my FB, Emails and site and of course write in this blog.  We had a good time last night we made drinks at home (Just some  Skyy vodka mixed with some cherry 7-up) and watched a movie together.  Later went to bed and cuddled.

We were lazy yesterday too.  But its good to have some lazy days.  It seems like we have been on the go every day off we have so some down time is much needed.

I filed our taxes last night we should get them by the 11th.  A pretty nice return this year.  We are planning on hopefully taking a trip down to a southern city in our state and stay in a hotel for a couple nights then come back home.  Just a little get away for us.  We never had a honeymoon so this will kinda be like that I guess.. Even though I would love to take a honeymoon sometime to Hawaii *Dreams*

Well back to work tomorrow for both of us.  I must be in at 7am and I think hubby goes in at 1pm..Lucky him..

Oh PS-  the new Chihuahua movie comes out today!!  I am SOO gonna get that and force him to watch it with me lol