Saturday, February 26, 2011

Your a wonderful worker but...

But we have to let you go.  You are not dependable to members or our company.  So as of now you no longer work here...

Yep I have been fired..  which is why I have not posted like I had planned and promised to.  I am hurt, sad and going through some kind of depression.  I have never been fired before and I feel like a failure, looser and a idiot.

The reason I was fired is I had ONE more absent then what they allow in a 6mo period of time.  EXCUSE me if i have 3 children so if one of my children are sick I stay home with them.. and I guess I'm such a horribly employee that when I was staying home and I knew my supervisor wasn't going to be at work I would go in for a couple hrs to finish the cake orders for that day since no one else was coming in to do cakes.. I made sure the work was done and that the members were taken care of!.. who else did that... NO ONE.. yet

I'm fired..



  1. So sorry to hear this. I'll be thinging of you and of your family and hoping that you are able to find new work soon. Hope eveything is okay otherwise.


  2. Oh, SP. I'm so sorry. Sometimes employers only look at the negative things, or when someting negative occurs, they forget about the good things that you've done.

    Hang in there, Kid. Perhaps this will (hopefully) open the door to other oprotunities.

