Saturday, September 3, 2011

I started crying

I started crying on my way home from work today. In the middle I whispered "I just want a man". I don't want a man that wants to play dress up every now and then. I don't want a man who shaves his legs and they reflect the light like a barbie doll. I don't want a man who likes to loon at other men too.

I want a hairy man with scruff all over. A man that I can cuddle next to and call him my Teddy bear. I want a man who wants to make me happy like I want to make my man happy. A man who will do anything to make me happy just like Ive sacrificed to make him happy. I want a man who will put me on a pedestal and be satisfied with just me. I want a man who wears men's underwear and men's clothes. (I think men's boxer briefs are so friggen sexy).

I guess u can say I just want a man...

I caught myself today looking at men's legs. The hair. Out if the tons of men I looked at not a single one had shaved shinny legs. And I saw over 100 pairs of legs today. I look at men more now then I use to. Noticing things seeing them as attractive. I didn't before all this....before all this I was satisfied...

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