Monday, January 10, 2011

The good things

My life isn't all horrible.  There are many good things that I am thankful for which help me every day to stay positive.  My husband may not be the best gift giver but over the 15yrs of marriage he has learned and I think this Christmas he finally understood a bit more of "me" and what I really want.

In the past he would always get me some type of jewelry.  Which is very nice but I'm not a big jewelry fan.  I hardly wear any except for my wedding ring.  and the jewelry he would get me would be very fancy and it wouldn't go with just a "everyday" outfit.

I remember back to when we were first married and living far from family it was my birthday.  he was gone and came back with a 200$ tattoo and then handed me my birthday present.  It was a set of steak knives which he got from this discount convention thingy where they advertise great quality items for cheap.  oh and he got us a 56k modem.. which really I know was for his benefit and not really mine since I really didn't care if we had one or not.  I think I was upset then cause it didn't feel like he "thought" of me when buying a gift.  just he thought of what he would want and then just threw in the steak knives.  Which really were not that great of quality now that I think back on it lol.  and I think I was a bit upset that he went without me knowing to get that expensive tattoo.

But this year he actually thought about what i really wanted and what I had talked to him about.  He knew my mom was getting me the kitchen aid mixer that I wanted so he decided to go get something to go along with it.  he got me this wonderful glass mixing bowl attachment for it.  it wasn't cheap by any means either.  Then a few days after Christmas he got me the veggie slicer attachment for it.  Now those were gifts I loved.  Why you may ask would I be so happy about getting kitchen items like that and not the knives..  Because he took the time to listen to me and know what I really wanted and he went searching for it at more then 3 stores.  it showed his love to me.  Since in the past when I would tell him things like that I wanted.. he would reply with "That's not a gift you get you need something better (jewelry in his mind i guess)  So he has grown and has learned that the best gifts aren't always the most expensive or the most flashy but the gifts that come from listening and come from the heart.

I love him for that.  I love that he took the time to listen to things I was saying when I would say what I would like.  Since I don't buy much for myself its nice to have him go out and buy me something knowing that I would never buy it for myself but I would love to have it.

I hope he keeps this up.  =)

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