Thursday, January 20, 2011

What is Love

What is love?  I guess love can be many things to different people.  To me love is many things.  It's happiness you can feel deep down inside which words cant describe.  There is more to saying "I love you" to someone.  Sure its good to hear those words but you know what is even better then hearing those words.  Is actions.  Love is a action that is done.  If you love someone you "do" things for them to show your love.  It might be helping your spouse out with dishes or making them breakfast in bed or trying to understand them when they are hurting.  Love is being there for them and giving of yourself instead of always taking.

I love my husband.  Even though it seems like in my posts I make him out to be a bad guy he isn't always that way.  I just posted times where I have had problems.  My husband always tells me he loves me.  Before we go to bed even if we are fighting or I am mad at him he always rolls over and tells me he loves me.  Even if it is saying it in a silly way like "I love you poo butt"  And when we get up in the mornings he tells me he loves me.  and before we leave somewhere and are apart or even on the phone and in texts.  He is always "telling" me he loves me.
Now the love "action" part he isn't perfect at but he has come a great distance with it.  Hes not perfect but there have been times (Yes I do wish more times) where he has done something because he loves me and wanted to show that he loves me.  Buying my Christmas gift this year he showed me that he loves me cause he listened and instead of buying what he thought would be a proper gift he loved me enough to buy something I wanted even though to him it didn't seem like the type a gift a husband should get his wife.  He has made me dinner.. (I will admit not often at all lol but better then never) and even though I need to assist him in the kitchen cause he gets lost.. we laugh and do it together.  He shows me he loves me when comes to my work to have lunch with me.  Now he might be a bit crazy and I don't like to take him "out" often cause he is always watching people and even if another guy looks in my direction he tries to start arguments with them.  But even with all that craziness and dumb shit he still loves me and it shows that if someone was to disrespect me that my husband would be there to protect me.

Of course there are many other ways I would like for him to show his love to me but I think we will get there in time.  I want to be positive and I want to make this a positive post on him since there has been so much negative lately.  Really hes not always bad he does love me a lot and I haven't been the perfect wife either.

I have emotionally cheated on him with talking to people online in the past.  Although it has been years since I have done that but I am coming clean and showing I am not perfect either.  However I would never think of physically cheating on my husband.. my body is his.. at the time I was weak and sad/depressed..I needed someone who would listen when my husband wouldn't.  I take full blame for that.  I am ashamed of that and I have done a lot of growing up since then and I will never do that again.  I love my husband and my goal is to someday get to a point where we have a semi-fairy tale.. since I know asking for a full fairy tale is impossible.. I just want those moments.

My next few postings I think will be a bit of how we met etc.  Some happier posts.  That is unless something comes up which I need to vent about.

Time to go pick him up from work.  =)

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